Whew! Not too often do I feel lucky for getting through the weekend, but this past one was just that busy! Lousy weekend for daylight savings time to kick-in for the first time in my life. I've never had to spring forward or fall back before, and my body's telling me that today. When the alarm went off this morning, I more or less grumpily oozed out of bed letting gravity do most of the work rather than springing.
I did some stash and notions enhancing over the weekend. As I mentioned in my previous post, I ordered a bunch of yarn from the sale at Webs Friday night. One skein of that monster-sized order is on backorder, so I won't get my loverly woolies for another week or two. Saturday night, I finally got off my duff and bought some Caron Simply Soft for the Prairie Blanket. After struggling with little cut-up bits of drinking straws as stitch markers for Cozy, I "splurged" and bought some Clover stitch markers. Can I just say that those were the best $4 I've spent on knitting yet??? Previously with fiddling around with the cut straws, it took me around an hour do complete an 8 row repeat. Now, I'm down to half an hour. NOte to self, it's not really saving you any time or money if it's a pain to use.

Caron Simply Soft for a Prairie Blanket

It's still growing!
Since I mentioned earlier that this weekend was really busy, should it be a surprise for me to say I didn't get that much knitting time in? We had some horrible stormy weather Friday and Sunday night, so I passed a bit of time working on Cozy. It's 48 inches long now and has outgrown its usual photo taking spot on my desk.
Thursday night, I joined the ranks of knitters who carry socks in progress with them at all times. I dumped out my purse, and after sorting through a ream of receipts, months old gum, broken pens, and four tubes of lipstick (can't remember when I last wore make-up!), I made room for Hub's sock. At least if it's not progressing quickly, it will smell of old cinnamon gum from my purse :D
In upcoming fiber arts events, I'm planning on going to Fleece Fair in Putnam county this coming Saturday. Being fairly new to knitting and natural fiber snobbery, this will be my first of such fairs. I'm looking forward to maybe finding some sources for locally grown and spun yarn. :)
After hearing some feedback this weekend that my stash flashing pictures were unreadable to Firefox and Mac users, some big changes for my little blog will be coming down the pike within the next month or so. Stay tuned; I'll keep ya'll posted.
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