Sunday, January 22, 2006

Wavy Scarf: Done!

Obligatory Finished Object Picture

Just finished up my Wavy scarf a few minutes ago. I'm so excited to have something I knitted for little ol' me to wear. I did make this a bit shorter than the pattern states; I made 8 pattern repeats instead of 9. With a finished length of 67 inches though, its more than enough for my 5'4" frame. In fact, its 3 inches taller than me, lol!

Next project on the needles will be the Irish hiking wrist warmers for my sister. I may have to knit up a scarf/hat/wrist warmer in that set for myself yet!

Wavy Vital Stats: Just under 2 skeins of Cascade 220,67 inches in length, and a whole lot of CSI episodes :)